Torrey Pines 3rd Hole, South Course by Marci Rule oil painting on canvas.
Torrey Pines 3rd Hole, South Course by Marci Rule painting on metal.

Torrey Pines 3rd Hole, South Course Painting by Marci Rule


A wonderful art piece for any golf enthusiast, this painting by Marci Rule showcases a stunning viewpoint from the cliffs of the iconic Torrey Pines Golf Course. Site of the 2008 and 2021 U.S. Open Championship as well as the PGA TOUR's annual Farmers Insurance Open, the scene depicts the incredible La Jolla and Pacific Ocean vistas that golfers experience while playing the course.


Available in two formats: oil paint on canvas or metal
Size: 15" wide by 10" tall

Format: Canvas - $150

Canvas - $150
Canvas - $150
Metal - $175